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cervical cancer artinya

contoh kalimat "cervical cancer"
  • Cervical cancer has protective measures but Maya's case
    Kanker serviks telah tindakan pengamanan tapi kasusnya Maya
  • You know, I'm recovering from cervical cancer.
    Kau tahu, aku sedang memulihkan diri dari kanker serviks.
  • Cervical cancer screening is still required following vaccination.
    Skrining kanker serviks masih tetap diperlukan setelah vaksinasi.
  • "You shouldn't be having cervical cancer."
    Anda harusnya nggak kena kanker leher rahim."
  • I got cervical cancer and i was denied through the insurance company.
    Saya kena kanker leher rahim dan ditolak perusahaan AsKes.
  • Cervical cancer is five times higher than the U.S. national average.
    Kanker leher rahim lima kali lebih tinggi dibandingkan rata-rata Amerika Serikat.
  • I was planning to run for the Chairman of Cervical Cancer Prevention Society.
    Aku berencana mencalonkan diri sebagai Ketua Lembaga Pencegahan Kanker Rahim.
  • Seminar on Prevention of Cervical Cancer & IVA Test
    Seminar Pencegahan Kanker Serviks & Pemeriksaan IVA
  • Having Regular Screenings Before Cervical Cancer Comes Along
    Lakukan Skrining Rutin Sebelum Kanker Leher Rahim Menghampiri
  • STAT-3 and the Invasion of Cervical Cancer Cell Relationship
    STAT-3 dan Invasi Hubungan Sel Kanker Serviks
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5